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Forum Rules

No Spamming / Advertising / Self-Promotion on the Forum

These forums define spam as unsolicited advertising for other goods, services, and/or websites, or posts with little or no content at all. Do not spam forums that link to your website or products, or attempt to self-promote your website, business, forum, etc. Spam also includes sending private messages to a large number of different users. DO NOT ASK for email addresses or phone numbers

Do not post copyrighted material

It is prohibited to provide or request information about how to obtain copyrighted materials illegally.

Do not post “offensive” posts, links or images

Any material that constitutes defamation, harassment or abuse is strictly prohibited. Pornographic or sexually explicit material, racist or discriminatory material is not allowed on these forums. This includes images of users. Use common sense when posting. This is a site for people with psychological backgrounds, who need advice/support and mental health related professionals.

Do not cross post questions

Please do not post the same question on several forums. There is usually a forum that is most appropriate to post your question.

Do not PM users asking for help

Do not send private messages to any users asking for help. If you need help, create a new topic in the appropriate forum so the whole community can help and benefit.

Always be respectful of other members

All posts must be professional and polite. You have every right to disagree with members of your community and explain your point of view. However, you are not free to attack, demean, insult, or belittle them or the quality of this community. No matter what title or power you hold in these forums, you must follow these rules.

General Posting Guidelines

We find this necessary because many people come in and post without thinking, not realizing that there is no way for them to get help because of the way they post their questions. Here are some general guidelines.

1. Please use SEARCH first! Search_directory

There’s a pretty good chance that unless you have some really weird or unique problem that has been solved on our forum before, first use the forum search feature to see if there are already some good threads on the subject. It’s easy to find – just click the “Search” button at the top right of the page.

2. Be DESCRIBING and don’t use “stupid” topic names

PLEASE post descriptive topic names! Give a short summary of your problem IN THE SUBJECT. (Don’t use attention-grabbing subjects, as they may not attract attention and just annoy people). For example: Help, Hello, It’s urgent, I have a question.

3. Remember that when people help you, they are supporting YOU…

Be patient, help people by posting a good description of what you need help with and don’t be judgmental like “if you’re not going to help, don’t waste my time answering”.

General Forum Questions Am I allowed more than one account?

No, there is no reason for you to have multiple accounts on the OpenTuition forums. If you are banned from the forums, please do not create a new account. If you continue to create new accounts after being banned, your IP address will be blocked from the forum.

What happens if I break a rule?

If you break a rule, you will be warned or banned. Your user account ban may be temporary or permanent. Administrators and moderators also have the right to edit, delete, move or close any thread or post as they see fit without notice.

What happens if I see a topic/post that violates the rules? Please report the topic/post to a moderator or admin [email protected]

Becoming a Moderator (5-star rating) All applicants for moderation must have been a member for at least 90 days (3 months) and have at least 100 posts. You must be active in the individual forums you wish to moderate and regularly create and reply to topics in those forums. You must also maintain a level of knowledge to be active on the topic. Please note that applying to become a moderator does not guarantee acceptance and moderators will only be appointed as needed.

What the Stars Mean
1 star = New Member
2 stars = Author (Recognized after 10 posts)
3 stars = Authority (Recognized after 30 posts)
4 stars = Expert (Recognized after 75 posts and positive attitude)
5 stars = Psychologist/Moderator (Reviewed by us. Quality of posts