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How to use the Forum


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Why do I need to register?

You might not need to; it depends on the forum administrator’s decision whether you need to register to post. However, registration will give you access to additional features not available to guest users, such as customizable avatars, private messaging, emailing other members, etc. It only takes a few minutes to register, so it’s recommended.

How do I post in a forum?

To start a new topic in a forum, click the corresponding button on the forum or topic screen. You may need to register before you can post a message. A list of your permissions in each forum is available at the bottom of the forum and topic screen. For example, you can post new topics, reply, like, etc.

Why did I receive a warning?

If you have violated a rule, you may receive a warning. Note that this is the forum administrator’s decision, and the phpBB team has nothing to do with warnings on this specific website. Contact the forum administrator if you are unsure why you received a warning.

Who are the Administrators?

Administrators are members assigned the highest level of control over the entire forum. They can manage all aspects of the forum, including setting permissions, banning users, creating user groups or moderators, etc., depending on the forum founder and the permissions given to other administrators. They may also have full moderation abilities across all forums, depending on the founder’s settings.

Who are the Moderators?

Moderators are individuals (or groups of individuals) responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of the forums. They can edit or delete posts and lock, unlock, move, delete, and split topics in the forums they moderate. Typically, moderators are present to prevent users from going off-topic or posting abusive or offensive content.

I can’t send private messages!

There are three reasons for this; you are not registered and/or logged in, the forum administrator has disabled private messaging for the entire forum, or the forum administrator has prevented you from sending messages. Contact a forum administrator for more information.

I keep receiving unwanted private messages!

You can block a user from sending you private messages using the message rules in your User Control Panel. If you are receiving abusive private messages from a specific user, notify a forum administrator; they have the power to stop a user from sending private messages.

How do I search a forum or forums?

Enter a search keyword in the search box located at the top of the homepage, forum page, or topic page. Advanced search can be accessed by clicking the “Advanced Search” link available on all forum pages. The method of accessing the search tool may depend on the style used.